Teens Go andBeyond

December 27, 2021

As part of its 30th-anniversary celebration, andBeyond recently launched five new itineraries designed specifically for teenagers and parents, offering a chance to connect while making a difference. These outstanding and conservation-focused trips from the luxury lodging operator are available in South Africa, Botswana, Mozambique, Tanzania, and Chile.  Tours have been specially curated for teens ages 14-18 and their parents. These 4- and 5-night vacations include an amazing variety of unique experiences such as going behind the scenes at the Ranger Training School in South Africa, elephant-proofing baobab trees in Botswana, dinner with the conservation team from Oceans Without Borders to learn about efforts to protect the water in Mozambique, learning the art of animal tracking and wildlife and bird identification in Tanzania and a community visit to learn about Chile’s local Mapuche and their weaving traditions. Teens, who also will get 50% off the adult rate, can earn certificates and prizes at the end of the trip based on what they have learned.